The One Wipe Wonder?

Regardless of whether you scrunch or fold your toilet paper, you will have all experienced a one wipe wonder! You know, you’ve done a no.2, had a good wipe and when you look there is no mark on the toilet paper. This is sometimes known as an ‘Angel poo’.

However, in practice, angel poos never are just one wipe as although there is no mark we cannot trust it. We need to have another wipe just to be sure. So even the most angelic of defecations will require the minimum of two wipes.

Scrunch or Fold: Differences between Men & Women?

Gender difference in the scrunch vs folding debate does not seem to be prevalent with current evidence, but people have hypothesised scrunching is actually better for men, whereas for women either method could be fine.

The reason for this hypothesis is that many men have hairy bums.

Hairy bums mean dirtier bottoms and are best cleaned through a firm wipe. As scrunching enables stronger purchase on the toilet tissue the user can, as some put it, “get right in there” for a thorough wipe without fear that the fingers will get too close to the bum hole or dirtiness.

The importance of the Scrunch or Fold Debate

The reason why people all over the world are fascinated by the Scunch or Fold Debate is not really because it is rude or to do with poo specifically.

When we go to the bathroom, it is very usually a private moment alone and before people hear of the scrunch or fold difference, they naturally assume that whatever method they have been doing all their life is what everyone else does too. To discover that lots of people do something quite different is both shocking and amazing.

Folding and scrunching are such the antithesis of each other, that folders really cannot comprehend how or why someone would scrunch. Likewise, scrunchers are equally surprised at the number of people who fold and struggle to understand why they would use, in their opinion, an inferior approach.

This is where the debate really gets going as each party tries to argue and reason why their apporach is best and more effective.

It really is an argument of people from completely opposing sides. Srcunchers Vs Folders is like other great fights/debates such as  CommunismVs Capitalism, Cats Vs Dogs, Trojans Vs Greeks, Rocky Balboa Vs Apollo Creed and Good Vs Evil.