2012 The Year of the Scrunch

2012 is the official year of the Scrunch where scrunchers everywhere can celebrate the joys of scrunching and folders can start to learn and perhaps embrace and appreciate the merits of scrunching.

It is clear from interviews and research that many folders simply do not understand how to do a scrunch and therefore do not understand how this can be an effective method. Scrunching is not just scrunching the paper into a ball, there is a sophistication and art to it. Rather than a ball, the toilet paper is scrunched into a mushroom like shape with your hand holding the stem and protected and cushioned by the head of the mushroom.

The video below demonstrates how to do your basic scrunch (don’t worry no bottoms are involved):

Are you a Scruncher or a Folder? Vote here.

Scrunch or Fold: Differences between Men & Women?

Gender difference in the scrunch vs folding debate does not seem to be prevalent with current evidence, but people have hypothesised scrunching is actually better for men, whereas for women either method could be fine.

The reason for this hypothesis is that many men have hairy bums.

Hairy bums mean dirtier bottoms and are best cleaned through a firm wipe. As scrunching enables stronger purchase on the toilet tissue the user can, as some put it, “get right in there” for a thorough wipe without fear that the fingers will get too close to the bum hole or dirtiness.